Reducing the intake of toxins

Some of the food items that contains high amounts of toxins are red meat (=animal meat), alcohol, fast food and several more products which contain artificial preservatives.
Red Meat – Red meat not only contains lots of toxins but is not easy to digest. This should be avoided totally. An alternative to red meat is white meat which again should be consumed in limited quantities (may be, not more than 3 servings per week). Severe psoriasis may force you to stop consuming all kinds of meat products till the conditions get better.
Alcohol – Alcohol mixes with blood in a quick time and results in overloading liver with so much of cleansing work. It also results in dry skin in very quick time. Only red wine, which has flavonoids in it, can be consumed – again in limited quantities (may be, not more than 150 ml per drink, 3 drinks per month).
Smoking – Should be avoided at all cost. If its too difficult for you to quit smoking, then try nicotine gums. (Nicotine patches would cause irritation on the skin for Psoriasis patients). Unless you quit smoking, you can’t win this battle with Psoriasis, period.

Other products – Products that contain preservatives should be avoided. Some of them that I can think of now are fast food, canned food (like canned chickpeas or kidney beans) and several fruit and energy drinks. Also, consumption of deep fried food should be minimized.


Heisenberg said...

Hi, This blog seems like the story of my life. I am 30 yr old male from Mumbai. I have had scalp psoriasis since I cant even remember.

I have this one question, If you can answer and help me that would be great.

I am a bodybuilder, so I have to take my intake of 150gms of protien daily 24x7x365. I eat about 150-200 grams of chicken breast between lunch and dinner (75gms for lunch and 75-100 grams for dinner). Is this a bad thing from combating psoriasis perspective?

PS: If you could suggest an alternative to chicken to fill my protien need per day and that which can be eaten through out the year, then you would have saved my life.

Anonymous said...

That's a tough one. Soy is a good protein source but we have some people who say that its bad for men.

Milk would be good if your body can tolerate (curd/yogurt is much tolerable than plain milk for most people).

Then there is pea-protein but is very expensive in India.

Heisenberg said...

Hey Buddy, Peas are very affordable in India. Some say though that Vegetable protiens do not contain all the amino acids as compared to non-veg sources.

Dr. Health Clinic said...

your tips are very useful. thanks for posting.
skin doctor