
Welcome to my blog. I am an Indian male born in early eighties. I am a software professional currently residing in India. To tell you more about me... When I was in late teens, my skin started developing plaques and a dermatologist confirmed it to be Psoriasis. Since then I have tried a lot of things, some of which worked and some didn’t.

First of all, I have tried methotrexate which is supposed to be most commonly used drug to treat psoriasis. I heard that, it is used to treat some kinds of cancer as well as rheumatoid arthritis. I felt some improvement in my skin condition before I realized that it comes with several side-effects. And then there is always a danger of overdose with methotrexate. So I gave up real quick.

Then I have tried Ultra Violet B (UVB) treatment. I could feel skin getting clean and clear within few days. But very soon, I realized that it is only for suppressing the symptoms temporarily. And then there is a risk of skin cancer with UVB treatment.

As far as external application is concerned, coal tar and salicylic acid based products seem to be more prevalently used. I have used coal tar soap and salicylic acid based shampoos. I had particularly bad experience with salicylic acid shampoo. It not only dried my skin further, but also resulted in hair loss. I have tried several brands of salicylic acid shampoos and none was good enough.

In the course of time, I have learnt that this battle with Psoriasis is going to be a long one and hence I should be very patient. Psoriasis-victims are fighters and we should never back down from any challenge.

I have learnt that psoriasis can only be controlled and NOT cured. The healing process should start with food and it should go inside out. Eating all natural food and avoiding processed food is most critical to controlling psoriasis. I have also learnt that for external application, it is much more useful to use products that can moisturize our skin rather than dry it further like coal tar or salicylic acid. But there is a small exception to this. I don’t use soaps that are milky or oily because such soaps will not let the scales drop off our skin. I prefer using a normal soap which can help me get rid of scales and then I use moisturizer right after bath.

Finally, I have learnt controlling psoriasis is directly related to controlling myself. The food we eat, physical activity we get involved in and our mindset matter the most. Rather than going after numerous doctors and clinics who promise to cure psoriasis but never do anything more than suppressing the symptoms, it is better to learn more about the problem and take steps to control it. It is better to address the cause rather than suppress symptoms.

In this blog, I would be sharing with you the little things that I tried to combat Psoriasis. It’s one of the many success-stories that you find on internet.


Parveen Garg said...

Hello John, I am following your useful diet system since sep 2011. There is a little improvement in control of disease.

I want to know how to take care of dark spots left by red patches when i am applying Aloe vera gel.

It takes very longer time for skin to return to its form.

Anonymous said...

Very impressive collection of suggestions. I have been studying a lot on the net and I find your blog to be a nice, comprehensive yet simple list of ideas.

I am originally from AP but live in US and I have been fighting this psoriasis disease for the last 20+ years.

Anonymous said...

Very impressive collection of suggestions. I have been studying a lot on the net and I find your blog to be a nice, comprehensive yet simple list of ideas.

I am originally from AP but live in US and I have been fighting this psoriasis disease for the last 20+ years.

Unknown said...

HI John,
This is Savith from Hyderabad.
I am very much impressed by your blog writings.

They were informative as well as encouraging, giving hope that we can also come across Psoriasis. Please do continue your writings.

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I will tell you what really made a difference for me... I have suffered with Psoriasis for almost 12 years before I started to actually STOP the medication. I gave up on creams and meds and started to look at what I really can do to cope with my skin condition... I read somewhere that eating RAW and going VEGAN will improve the immune system. I did some google, bought some books etc etc and actually went RAW and VEGAN. Before I observed any change in my skin condition, I lost some pounds.. LOL... That was a good start. Soon I saw that my confidence is back (may be coz I lost some extra pounds) and surprisingly I was thinking less about my skin conditions... I suddenly wanted to go out and explore the night life of Vegas (Living in Vegas, you cannot help the craving for night clubs). I was on a VEGAN diet and was following the instructions to the word. It sure made a difference.

Changing what you eat can make all the difference in the world. The body is filled with toxins from the air we breathe to the food we eat. The best way to remove these toxins is through the urine and not through the skin; this is especially important for sufferers of psoriasis like you and me.

It is best to change our eating habits as soon as possible to alleviate the symptoms. Eating whole foods as opposed to processed foods is a good start. You want to keep the toxins in the system to a minimum and this can be done by eating organic produce instead of produce grown using pesticides. If organic food is out of your reach, make sure to at least to wash off fruits and vegetables well to remove all the chemicals.
Raw is the best way to consume vegetables because they lose some nutrients when cooked. Raw vegetables are higher in fiber and are easy for the digestive system to process. Some foods that are easy for the digestive system to process are beans, seafood, nuts, green, leafy vegetables, and fresh fruit. The more fruit and vegetables that are in your diet the less likely you are to develop allergies.

By simply changing what you eat, the body can take steps to naturally heal itself and stay more healthy.

Dr Katy Wilson did some amazing research in this area. Her research and findings have helped many patients think less and nothing about Psoriasis over the years. Follow the link below and see if you can make any use of her work.

Anonymous said...

Hi John and others. This is Girish.
My son aged 16 years has been suffeting from Psoriasis since last 4 -5 years. Having tried all treatments, we are trying the Ayurvedic one. Even after 4 months of medicine, there is still no signs of cure. But, we are positive and strongly believe that soon we will see results.

If anybody has benefitted from Ayurvedic, they may kindly share their experiences here.

Ashish Agarwal said...

Dr Pagano diet protocol for Natural healing of Psoriasis can be very useful. Please check it here- Dr Pagano Diet for Psoriasis

Ashish Agarwal said...

Dr Pagano diet for Natural healing of Psoriasis can be very useful. Please check it here- Dr Pagano Diet for Psoriasis

Ashish Agarwal said...

Dr Pagano diet for Natural healing of Psoriasis can be very useful. Please check it here- Dr Pagano Diet for Psoriasis

Anonymous said...

Could you pls give contact details

CB Content said...

Hi, i have problem about Psoriasis on my scalp. Thanks for share

Unknown said...

How can I contact you?

Dr. Health Clinic said...

your tips are very useful. thanks for posting.
skin doctor

Dr. Health Clinic said...

your tips are very useful. thanks for posting.
dermatologist in bangalore

Clinnovo said...

Thanks for sharing Good Information