Miracle or Minerals ?

After a near 10-year struggle, now I feel that I can control Psoriasis completely. No medicines anymore. No creams anymore. No embarrassments anymore. No sleepless nights anymore. I have been updating this blog with what all I have been trying. Here is something that will force you to consider what I did to control Psoriasis.

Well, most of the Psoriatics might have come across Dead Sea salts sometime or the other. Many people plan holidays in Israel to make use of the Dead Sea and get rid of Psoriasis, albeit temporarily. Many people use Dead Sea salt soaps/bars to control Psoriasis. Now, have you ever wondered what’s in the Dead Sea that’s NOT in any other seas ? It seems that the salts in most seas are Sodium salt (NaCl or common salt) where as Dead Sea mostly contains Magnesium salts (like MgCl2), and many other minerals. So minerals (like Magnesium, Calcium, Manganese etc. And minus Sodium) are what make Dead Sea a boon for Psoriatics.

Now, what about alkaline-forming food ? As discussed previously, it’s the mineral content in the food that makes it alkaline as opposed to acidic. Again, alkaline-forming diet has proved very effective in controlling Psoriasis in many patients.

I started thinking…. When minerals are applied to the skin (from outside), as in the case with Dead Sea salt soaps, skin gets cleaner…. When minerals are consumed (inside), skin gets cleaner…. Is it mineral deficiency that’s causing skin to develop scales (=psoriasis) ??

Dietary Changes

So, I wanted to give it a try with mineral-rich diet. Minerals are present in different vegetables and fruits. But the major part of our meals is grains. So I started looking at ways to get more minerals from grains. I started malting the grains as discussed in the previous post.

I reduced the intake of rice to just one meal per day. Instead, I started consuming Raagi in the morning. I have been eating roti/chapati made of Sorghum (called “Jawari” in Hindi, “Jonnalu” in Telugu) for dinner. I also tried roti/chapati made of Wheat. But constipation was alleviated with Sorghum. So now I consume Sorghum only.

Remember, all the grains have undergone the process of malting (=soaking the grains in water till the grains start to sprout, drying and then milling).

Does it end there ? The answer is NO.

By consuming Raagi, we only get Calcium. What we need is a balanced diet. We need all kinds of minerals. We also need all kinds of amino acids (~proteins). So it’s important to consume different kinds of grains.

The dal that we use for preparing Sambar etc. are processed. Bran is removed which leaves limited nutrients for us. So I started using whole pigeon peas (called “kandulu” in Telugu, NOT “kandi pappu”… “tuvar” in hindi and NOT “tuvar dal”) for dal and other preparations. The whole pigeon peas don’t work for Sambar. That’s a problem. But it works well for other preparations like “palak dal” and all other “thicker” preparations, if I can call it that way. It may not look as good as the dal made of split peas. But who cares. In fact, our eyes may not like it. But our skin and internal parts do like it.

Similarly, started using whole Mung bean (called “pesarlu” in Telugu and NOT “pesara pappu”).

So basically, it’s like using whole grains. Now if you do a bit of browsing on whole grains diet, people will complain that mineral-absorption is poor with whole-grains. But remember, they are talking about using the grains as they are. But we are malting the grains before use. That changes the whole complexion.

If you are still not convinced with the advantages of whole grains, then try google searches like “whole grains heart” or “whole grains diabetes” or simply “whole grains”.

Now, getting back to balanced diet… I have searched a lot of books and webpages, but found inconsistent data about mineral composition in different grains. Probably, it’s something to do with the mineral composition of soil etc. So except for Raagi which is for sure has lots of Calcium, I can’t really say which grains have good amount of Magnesium or other minerals. So its good to consume different kinds of grains to get required amount of Magnesium, Iron, Manganese, Copper and other minerals.

Seeds & Nuts

Seeds & Nuts doesn’t need to be soaked in Water.

Some of them that I am regularly consuming are:

  • Sesame seeds (rich source of minerals… esp. black sesame seeds seems to be good for hair too)
  • Almonds (for Vitamin-E)
  • Walnuts (for Omega-3 fatty acid)


Many people seem to be confused about this. Do we need it ? Well, Enema is an artificial method of keeping our colon clean. If you consume whole grains, esp. Sorghum (called “Jawari” in Hindi, “Jonnalu” in Telugu), then our colon will be kept clean naturally. So we don’t need enemas anymore.


Does this mean that we don’t even have to workout ?

Unfortunately, the answer is NO. We need to workout at least 4 days a week. I do it like 2 days of walking/jogging and 2 days of Yoga asanas.

I strongly believe that all Psoriatics, including me, are lazy people. We need exercise to keep the blood pumping, to throw the toxin out, to get rid of constipation, to…. the list goes on…

Also, the latest surveys seem to indicate the Psoriatics are more prone to develop Type II Diabetes, heart complications etc. We need exercise. Period.


Lazy people may be already thinking of Mineral supplements. But I would NOT try supplements when naturals ways (meaning whole grains, seeds etc) are available in India. Also, remember that whole grains doesn’t contain just minerals. Whole grains contain many more nutrients. We need all these nutrients to control Psoriasis. So don’t look for easy routes or shortcuts, if you really want to get rid of Psoriasis.

More on this later….


Anonymous said...

Hi John, I tried the flax seed,but am finding the P to increase.Also I tried the allergy test,but except for shrimp,I have no allergies.I have controlled my diet n am doing enema,my skin condition has improved,but still not clearing.Any suggestions.
Thanks again.

John Cena said...

Hi anonymous friend... Can you leave your email ID or send me an email to morrison.miz@gmail.com so that we can discuss.

Anonymous said...

can u please elaborate john wat kind of seeds whole grains shud we eat for gaining all the nutritients....as due to restricted diet we are unable to get all the vitamins and minerals that our body require....and also what about protein sources

Anonymous said...

Hi John, there is so much info you have given in ur blog..how much have this really wrkd..I havebeen using medicines since 15 yrs..nthing has really wrked for me, i dun have hope

Anonymous said...

Hi John,

By the way you controlled diet. Did u completely cured from psoriasis or this is the way to just control that?

Heisenberg said...

Hello John,

I have moderate kind of scalp psoriasis. I want to discuss Raagi, I have read on the internet that it has natural forms of essential minerals (magnesium, managanese, etc) and anti-oxidants. You seem to agree that it has only calcium. I have a slightly different view. I seem to like Raagi and I feel good with eating raagi roti (400 grams a day), feel it gives less itching and less scaling. I dont eat any wheat-flour-roti, I have given up on it two weeks ago.

I would actually suggest my fellow psoriasis warriors :) to give up on wheat flour. I used to consume wheat flour in its purest form. I used to get gehu and grind it to flour.

What do you think about fat loss, I think every disease in the world can be helped with fat loss. Adipose (Fat) is the mother of all diseases.

Thanks and I appreciate you putting out your methods to combat this disease.

Anonymous said...

chala Thanks brother for sharing your findings

Anonymous said...

Lots of info bro. I have been effected with psoriasis since few months.i tried allopathy but it's sheer waste. It gives just temporary relief. My mail I'd is dhanu_dynamic@yahoo.com. I want discuss something personally with .please revert back.


Anonymous said...

does fish food contains any minerals use ful to fight pso?

John Cena said...

Fish is not known for minerals... Fresh water fish contain Omega-3 fatty acids which are anti-inflammatory...

Anonymous said...


I only found out I had Psorisis a few weeks ago. I have been on the Pagano diet for 2 weeks already. Has you skin been completely cleared due to this diet or is it just helping you manage it?


Anonymous said...

Hi John,

Excellent piece of information - Big thank you to that.

But I would like to get your idea on what exactly is psoriasis.I have been seeing these white scaly patches around my nose area which kinda goes and then comes back. Have consulted some dermatologists too & they use some UV lamp light to look through my face to find nothing. But I do notice these scaly patches that seem to become so light when I consume amla juice/blackstrap molasses (highly recommended) on a daily basis to improve blood circulation.

Anonymous said...

hi anna.... thanks for sharing ur valuable advices...I am in my late 20's from Hyderabad. I have some patches on my scalp, nose and back for last one and half years. I have got some relief after seeing ur post. I am staring to follow the diet that ur described and I have also ordered Pagano's Book. Can u give me ur email ID or contact number.

Shashi said...

Hi John,

Excellent article. It has opened my eyes on the treatment eventhough my condition is at the beginning stage. Thanks a lot

Unknown said...

Hi John, thanks for blogging about this diseases . i have scalp psoriasis n was fed up with all external solution...nothing worked , tried uv but was too scared to continue hence gave up !! I realised i was too stressed and the fact tht nothing was working stressed me more...but now i realise those were all half measures...recently i have been gathering alot of insights through web, some things which u mentioned i was familiar with , but some new...in short your blog has provided a complete insight and some inspiration to change ....just need tht dedication. i will surely follow this route in coming days !!...cheers man for the info and insights.

Jab v Met said...

Its really informative my age is 27 n m suffering from many years i hv scaly areas on the lower scalp round to my right ear n a piece of scaly area on my right side lower back
One more important thing is that i eat wheat flour roti on daily basis...
Kindly tell me what to.do and what to eat m tired of it now fully
Waiting for responce anxiously

Typeforsuggetion said...


Really nice blog and which may really help. Please send me your email I'd on typeforsuggetion@gmail.com. I am in same field like you. I am little bit worried about future. Please send me your mail.

kreativebrahma said...

Namaskaram!..THANK YOU VERY MUCH Friend!for that detailed INFORMATION.


NAMASTE! thank you very much.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi John, am also facing this problem and want to discuss with you personally. Pls let me know your mail id and I can discuss with you in detail. Thanks...

Anonymous said...

Namaste, thank you very much for such useful information.