Purifying the blood on a daily basis

The logic here is to pump your blood and sweat as much as you can… We are looking at Aerobic exercises to pump the blood… A brisk-walk for 30 minutes is a MUST….. You should start with a brisk-walk cos jogging/running can result in joint pains (cos of Arthritis associated with Psoriasis) and the results will not be to our liking… But a brisk-walk for half hour will cover at least 3 km (2 miles) and you won’t feel too tired for the rest of the day….

Now here is a little thing….. The toxins that leaked into the blood previously were thrown out of our body through skin causing Psoriasis…. Some toxins should have been stored in the fat tissues also…. So when you indulge in aerobic exercise like walking/jogging, fat in your body burns and the toxins are thrown back into the blood.... So you might see new Psoriasis spots on your skin….. But this would be temporary….. The scales would disappear in few days…. So you should not worry…..
Brisk-walk should be followed by Yoga Asanas and Pranayam…. Remember one thing…. You do your Masters only after your Bachelors…. Similarly, you do Pranayam only after Asanas…. Asanas has the following benefits:
1) Improve internal-organ function including that of liver and endocrine glands
2) Improve digestion
3) Eliminate constipation
4) Improve blood circulation

Remember that liver has to do most of the cleaning up of toxins… And Asanas improve liver function. So Asanas are a MUST.
Bahya Pranayam should definitely be done after Kapalbhati pranayam. Can't ignore Bahya pranayam.... Anulom-Vilom should be done as well which would help us dealing with stress. Most of the stress-control books has Anulom-Vilom listed somewhere (calling it alternate nostril breathing).They recommend you to do it any time of the day…


Anonymous said...

excellent !!!!!!!!!!!!!mosdt usefull data...
i to accepts this blog which i have overcome the same problem. and now a days iam not taking any oral medicines only applying the creams on P regions ... only thing v need to keep an eye on our daily diet.

john as u said exercise... iam a lazy man ... it seems very difficult for me to get this exersize....

Anonymous said...

All posts are wonderful. Lot of research gone into it. I love to read the names in telugu as i am an andhraite. Thanks for sharing your hard learned knowledge. God bless u.

Anonymous said...

a very gud post. really useful. thanx n keep up d gud work.

adilabad08 said...

chala bagundi. exellent.
i am suffering since six months. very disturbing dieseas.studied tons of information on net.
yours is a full fledged note.
it showed the pain taken by you to guide fellow psoriatics is great.

Anonymous said...

Hey... I'm battling with this disease since 4 years... Thanks for all this information... U said walking... Can I do aerobics instead..?

John Cena said...

I have tried aerobics and it was useful. But if you start with aerobics, then you may see sudden flare-up. Always good to start gently (for 1 or 2 months) and set your body up for rigorous work like aerobics.

Anonymous said...

You are doing a great help for the psoriasis patients. Good to see the detailed dietary prescription. Pls continue this. God bless you my friend.

Anonymous said...

Can I have your email address, I am going through same issue, I would like to know more info.